In DARROW, Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey portrays Clarence Darrow, the daring American lawyer who took on some of the most difficult and groundbreaking cases around the turn of the 20th century. Called the "Lawyer for the Damned" by some, Darrow's defences of the Pullman railroad strike, the Leopold and Loeb murder trial, and the Scopes monkey trial earned him the status of ...
Aurora_S🍀 2021-07-26
小悬子 2015-04-12
2015.04.12 25年前低成本的电视电影很难称得上制作精良,但剧本和表演很棒,从激昂的进行曲到伤感的英雄挽歌再到深情的咏叹调,成为传奇的Clarence Darrow跌宕起伏的律政生涯的缩影。
梁大人 2016-02-26
I plead for the future; I plead for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men.