A champion high school rugby player (Russell ****) has a secret desire to be a ballet dancer, having spent 11 years in ballet school. Seizing an opportunity to audition for a local company's presentation of "Romeo and Juliet", he nonetheless fears what will happen to his reputation if the other kids in his school find out. Adding the practices to his already burgeoning schedule...
巧克力维他* 2024-12-09
这片难找到找了大半年直到一周前才有人上传到油管(。这剧情背景居然是在高中 男主演员很难让人信*他是高中生……Jason演了男主死对头一直挑男主刺hhh戏份还可以(原来这时候就已经跟Martin Henderson拍过戏了 后面15年两人又一起演了Everest