《吉卜力和宫崎骏的奥秘》又名Der Tempel der tausend Träume、Ghibli, The Miyazaki Temple(美)。
Documentary about the legendary studio Ghibli, featuring interviews with all the key figures in the animation studio's genesis. We even get a look inside the Ghibli Museum and are led to places that were the inspriations for the movies. At the end, the ****** himself, Miyazaki, speaks with one of his influences, Jean ‚Moebius' Giraud. Highly insightful documentary for those f...
小兔叽 2017-08-04
资源人龙骧 2016-11-20
🍋马尛尘hʰᶜ🐬 2022-09-21
动画电影接受人群很广,而且宫老爷子作品都映射社会,自然,人文,是天空的爱好者,有大爱和思想高度的。 当然后起之秀也都不错。
你看瓜是🍈是🍋 2017-03-31
AAS 2014-08-31