The ******* of this imaginative historical drama is Ursula Schnurrenberger (Suzanne Stoll), an unsophisticated and pure-hearted young peasant woman living in a cabin amongst the Swiss Alps (for proof of lack of sophistication, note the faint ‘tache naively embellishing her healthy schoolgirl complexion). But Ursula's honest and peaceful lifestyle is doomed to end, as this is th...
影评界对这位邦女郎乌**.安德斯的评价向来也是所有邦女郎中最高的,一切关于007的纪念性文章都会提到这位哼着小调从海里冒出来的天使,从某种程度上乌**确立了现代邦女郎的模型,女演员们都**自己能像乌**那样在银幕上让人凝视屏息,然而这种魔力至今也只在40多年前出现了一次。1965年,她为《****》拍摄**,当问她为什么同意为《****》拍时,她淡淡地说道:“因为我漂亮。(Because I'm beautiful.)”
紅蓮の業火 2022-01-25
DDR HDTV源,没想到这么冷门小众的电视电影都有**去做字幕,真的是有心了,宗教类文艺电影,配上字幕剧情多数都看懂了,女主颜值很高