When he was arrested in 2008 in Thailand as a result of ***.S. government sting operation, the career of internationally known arms smuggler Viktor Bout came to a decisive end. Veiled by the obscurity of post-Soviet Russia, Bout had built an empire of aerial delivery so vast he was called “the merchant of death” and was even the subject of a Hollywood film. In sharp contrast to...
第30届圣丹斯电影节:评审团大奖 世界电影单元纪录片(提名)。
熊仔俠 2019-01-06
片中有談到819和911。片名有向The Notorious B.I.G致敬的意味。至於說這片是不是有**之嫌真不好說,畢竟就算**也是蒼白無力。布特真是個奇人,搞那麼多買賣之餘,還有時間拿起攝影機紀錄自己的生活點滴。而本片正是大量使用了這些跨年代跨地域的生活素材,讓觀眾在媒體、維基百科、聯合國等之外了解到布特的另一面。另外,布特就是《軍火之王》的男主角的原型。