《谋杀展览室》又名P.D. James: The Murder Room、谋杀博物馆。
The lease on the Dupayne Museum is almost up and under the terms of their father's will, all three of the Dupayne children must agree to continue or the museum is to close. Neville Dupayne is dead set against continuing the museum when the money could be used for a much better purpose. One of the museum's key attractions is the Murder Room, displaying information on a series of...
机智的はるしか 2016-05-08
Rebecca式的案子,看到一半差不多能猜出来,三小时拍太长了。感情线lovingly awkward,加分儿。
#瞬间收藏家# 2015-05-09
案情本身完全是……兜圈子。闪回有被滥用的倾向,最***在案情之外。MI5形象很负面,脑补了下Harry Pearce说Shame on you的样子。五颗星给结尾!还好作者没那么残忍~PS写信而不是打电话very简奥斯汀——这是官方吐槽吗!|2024-6-10 看过新版再来补充一下,04版虽然删掉了原作一些关于社会福利等等社会问题的讨论,但以博物馆承载过去与未来的主题原原本本展现出来了,赞。
寒莓根 2016-02-08