The Department of Emotional Integrity (DEI) documents all relationship activity. A 'relationship score' is given to keep people accountable for their choices. The score is public for all to see, and affects various aspects of daily life. Two couples, teenagers and early 30s, face different but intersecting challenges in their relationships within the rules of the DEI.
**电影 2015-07-19
作为王夫的粉,期待已久。emotional integrity score,创意不错,拍个短片还行,选择几组情侣拉长成这样的长片,**平庸烂俗的爱情桥段一起来,连有趣都算不上,根本不足以撑起一部电影,感觉上就好比注水猪肉,糟糕的表演更是力不从心,基本上就是一段让人想不断快进的短片即视感的小清新视*。★
joann 2016-08-04
!! 非常细腻,温情又理性客观的电影。。台词跟人物一如既往的成功,啊。看了很多这个WFproductions的东西。
奇奇弟弟 2015-06-04
gavin.j 2016-04-17
Emotional Integrity Score的idea非常有意思:quantitative data不能取代qualitative experience. 很多时候情感之所以appealing也是因为它的偶然性不能被predict.
囧闹钟 2016-04-21
椒盐豆豉 2017-09-01
非常 AB-Asian 的一部电影,轻科幻下面包着简单的言情。少年组**啊……
蒙悦纳 2016-05-26
木头贞 2015-06-29
作为忠实粉丝加一颗星 创意加一颗星 you know the math
BossiFan 2016-04-04
有一点cliche和corny 但是喜欢EI理性分数vs感性思考的概念 Asian production绝对要撑!
拆 2020-08-05
very wong fu, beautifully shot