Griffin Dunne’s years-in-the-****** documentary portrait of his aunt Joan Didion moves with the spirit of her uncannily lucid writing: the film simultaneously expands and zeroes in, covering a vast stretch of turbulent cultural history with elegance and candor, and grounded in the illuminating presence and words of Didion herself. This is most certainly a film about loss—the lo...
一杯水 2017-11-10
Kavya 2019-01-01
优雅而恬淡的一生 悲喜交加 导演侄子的用意很深。看之前没想到 Joan Didion已经老了;印象中她是那么得时髦。或许时髦是一些作者的利器。她几乎同时失去丈夫和女儿后写道:“Grief turns out to be a place none of us know until we reach it." 直击我2017年的体验
陶小路 2019-05-09
一部对Didion complete oeuvre的鸟瞰。我所了解的那个Didion只是她的一部分,那个政治的,世界的,探讨公义的,知识分子的,由《纽约书评》帮助呈现的Didion。但是,当你借由这部纪录片,借由导演同时也是Didion的侄子的Griffin Dunne 所在片中呈现的她的写作,她的生活而更了解了她,尤其是被那些截取出来的她的书籍、文章里的让人恨不得背下来的**深深触动之后,我才意识到,她能够在《纽约书评》写出那样敏锐、深刻的文章是毫不意外的,她的grace, sophistication, nuance, irony made it possible...
山山 2021-03-28
”由此看来所有的陈述都是感性的,由此看来所有的联系都兼具了意义,与无意义,我相信这一系列 真真切切毫无意义的事****名取自叶芝一句“万物已然解体,中心再难维系,世间一片**”好爱他们。
肉汤拌饭吃八碗 2017-10-28
“The center will not hold.” 看完才觉得题目太妙了。
小捌 2017-11-08
Gentle, intimate and meditative. Seeing her at this day and age reading her old work got me all teared up. 也不是没有轻松愉快的时刻 但这是个一辈子不让痛苦离开视线的**啊
a little mark 2018-12-17
The most glamorous and chic journalist in the history. 而刚好她曾经生活在最棒的年代。后半部分很伤感,她的经历和书让我想到了杨绛。
.幽浮 2017-11-13
Burst into tears when she said “She was adopted. She had been given to me to take care of and I had failed to do that, so there was a huge guilt.” That was how I felt about the loss of ** dog, ** kid.
一颗糖 2021-12-05
太私人了,共情太多了,“i cant fall in love with someone who isn't a writer."
Petrichor . 2021-02-14
最近极度厌恶自己越发套路的写作方式,哪怕别人对我的稿件也没提出过高要求,快停笔大半个月了,寻思还这么写下去不然就别写了,但 Joan Didion 算是近日收获的灵感之一,从工作方式到生活方式都有启迪,当然,也没那么健康,可口可乐咸杏仁,后来不吃饭体重一度低至34公斤,但她的敏锐和疏离感如此迷人,而且这种文风的确是我想要学习吸收的。