《馬其頓傳奇》又名Macedonian Saga。
This tragedy offers a retelling of the plot for "Romeo and Juliet" in a Macedonian setting which looks at both Muslim and Christian viewpoints. Damian, a Christian school teacher, has just come to the Muslim village of Velekorab. There he meets and falls in love with the beautiful Muslim Dzemile who is engaged to a local man, also a Muslim. Dzemile disregards her upbringing and...
海之歌 2023-03-15
马其顿版的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”(原作的家族矛盾被替换为宗教矛盾)男主是来乡村支教的老师(Christian) 女主是他的学生(Muslim)虽然她已经和堂兄订婚了 但男主还是狂热的追求她 最后在家族压力和爱情的双重下 女主选择了自尽 男主也发了疯 成了伶仃孤苦的游荡亡魂...