The ***** Polish opera diva Maria Foltyn created her greatest performance in Stanislaw Moniuszkos Halka, with which she toured worldwide - she was applauded by Stalin and admired by Castro. Today, when she is losing her voice, she has decided to give way to her successor. The film Viva Maria! is a tale of passion, sacrifice and devotion, and is an extraordinary story of passing...
有质感的小熊 2018-05-12
木易 2018-04-26
就像咏叹调歌手的前传 一场纪录歌剧排练的影像 ***认真教导新人主唱 不仅是技法的传授 更是对爱情 对死亡 对家人的各类人生感悟的分享 技法可以练习 唯有感同身受才能真正融入 部分练习场景用默片的质感增加纪录性 咏叹调好听 结尾的掌声同时送给*跚而去的玛利亚 vive maria