In the first episode, Quirino tries to ******* Gabriella, lover of Alvaro, with the complexity of shyness. In the second part, Prof. Beozi, in order to avoid a scandal, ends up in a raid of the police in a local for homosexuals. In the third part, Guglielmo passes all tests in order to become reader of the television news brilliantly, although the commission works with all subt...
没有昵称 2022-12-26
分别由Dino Risi、Franco Rossi和Luigi Filippo D'Amico导演的三段轻喜剧:一个胆小害羞、怕与任何人冲突的男子(Nino Manfredi)追求心仪女同事却不敢与她前男友摊牌、一个保守至极的教授(Ugo Tognazzi)为了妻子的名节不惜动用**手段最终意外让自己身败名裂、一个才华横溢但颜值不好特别是长着一排奇长的上牙的候选人(Alberto Sordi)与一直想将他淘汰的电视台评委们斗智斗勇最终成功通过选拔当上电视主持人。不是什么伟大的作品,但绝对对得起观众:Risi的旁白式心理独白、Rossi那段里的妄想场景都值得玩味。Manfredi和Tognazzi的角色并不出乎他们各自的人设,但Sordi在这部片里竟是个完全正面而几乎不**的人,有点不适应😂 @2021-10-31 00:22:15