Ronny Bowers, a saxophonist in Benny Goodman's band has won a talent contest an got a ten week contract with a film studio. On his first evening he is supposed to go with the studio's star Mona Marshall to a movie premiere. But this lady doesn't want to go, so the bosses decide to use for Mona a double, Virginia. When Mona finds out next morning that happened, she insisted to f...
Johnny Macca 2024-11-04
虽然没有伯克利标志性群舞大场面,但调度依然见功力。大爵士乐队演出太爱看,这排山倒海的能量啊;月光下的Hollywood bowl拍得好美好浪漫喔,the man in the moon🥺。卡司太多我的爱,帅萌小根还跑了个龙套!很喜欢Hooray for Hollywood这首,Johnnie Davis的歌声太有能量太有感染力。开头明星要素过于齐全,玩了仲夏夜**的演员梗,Joan Blodell和一个叫**** Foran的名字挨着,真不是故意的吗哈哈。但是, blackface和关于Uncle ***的那段台词还是太膈应人了。。
仲景园 2023-08-16