Elizabeth, a delivery girl, dreams of being a music-hall singer but she is refused at the first casting she takes part in. A bit depressed, she gets to know Victor, a would-be Shakespearean actor and another audition victim. When Victor quite unexpectedly gets a female part in a music-hall number he unfortunately finds himself voiceless. Why wouldn't Elizabeth replace it? His n...
HurryShit 2019-09-21
Victor/Victoria故事,穿插Busby Berkeley式極炫歌舞場面(但沒有那麼強烈的male gaze),夠眼花撩亂,不覺得悶或拖時間。Jessie Matthews(綽號"The Dancing Divinity")不是典型美女,可是銀幕形象蠻可愛的(不屬於高貴冷豔型,傻與笨拙而益顯純真),與Sonnie Hale(當時丈夫)的化學反應挺好。最後一場反串秀換男的上,最好分辨不出來。XD
巧克力狂魔咪路 2019-11-18
first a girl and always a girl...哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!