Documentary about Brazilian filmmaker Glauber Rocha, one of the most important names in the movement called "Cinema Novo", with interviews with some of his friends and colleagues. The film was banned for years by Glauber's family, since it includes scenes of Glauber's funeral. While alive, Glauber was victim of the same problem: his short Di Cavalcanti (1977) was forbidden by D...
L'llariit 2020-09-01
片名词汇的排列组合和glauber形象之于他人评价构建更像是一个魔方还原过程,其在左翼浪潮之国如智利/古巴/刚果/葡萄牙的曲折**之旅是其被置于摸索乌托邦之路的蜿蜒迷宫,**总是伤害她最有天赋的孩子(leon/glauber/joaquim?)最深,不觉得他是电影届的el che
遠濤 2023-10-19
(油管版)太多「坐谈」采访了。Glauber Rocha终生怀抱乌托邦梦想;若**依然是未来之国,则Rocha依然是它最具代表性的电影艺术家:他的意义在未来。