Harry and his friend have planned to go out for an afternoon of fun. But first, Harry must figure out how to slip away from his domineering wife with some money to spend. Once he finally does get away, he finds that his troubles are only beginning.
stknight 2012-03-25
"Saturday Afternoon" is one of Harry Langdon's best-known short subjects, and with good reason。It is one of his funniest and best films。The plot -- such as it ******** an old staple:a hen-pecked husband sneaks away for a night out with a his pal and a couple of other girls。
少年高 2016-04-28
小囡 2010-11-03
@BFI with小桃和小猫 喜欢老婆没收老公收入给他留了个硬币花的那个桥段 咩哈哈哈
余啸 2018-10-01
两星半 台词卡幽默,两处私房钱(尤其第二处的出现)让男人们不禁莞尔一笑。 一处定格静止的接吻画面仿佛时间停止,不知是否有意,这个镜头在早期电影里可以看做对电影语言魔力的一种表达。 车的后座具有创意,还有真正的车震。 两辆车之间睡觉的桥段也是没辙了,Langdon的表演依旧出色。