Argan is seriously ill. At least that's what he imagines. In order to always have at his disposal a man capable of caring for him, he decides to marry his daughter Angélique to a doctor. But Angélique is in love with **éante. Facing her father's obstinacy and the machinations of her mother-in-law, she can only rely on **** of a faithful and cunning servant of the house, Toinett...
密码有误 2021-01-09
Le Malade imaginaire, de Molière (1622 - 1673) - L’un des plus célèbres auteurs français classiques, il a révolutionné le théâtre en France, en faisant rire le public à travers ses farces ** ses ***édies. Parmi ses pièces les plus connues, on peut citer Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Dom Juan, L’Avare, etc.