The elderly Arnolphe has decided to marry a young woman, Agnes, whom he has fallen in love with. She is too young and innocent to realize what plans he has for her. But Agnes and Arnolphe's young friend, the dandy Horace, have fallen in love with each other. Their love is a threat to Arnolphe's attempt at getting married. Can the cunning Arnolphe stop them?
wangzhy 2022-02-18
算是接手同辈戏剧大师 Alf Sjöberg 完成其遗作 能看到年轻的 Skarsgård 饰演 Horace 不过镜头上真的是标准规制的远中近景 然后面部特写对镜观众 人物体型走滑稽路数 突然意识到什么唐伯虎点秋香里的华文华武两兄弟是不是都是走喜剧身型的夸张塑造
杨浦小囡 2021-09-19
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