电影集合为您提供Den talende muse - samtaler med Asta Nielsen,在线点播,迅雷下载。
《Den talende muse - samtaler med Asta Nielsen》又名Den talende muse、Asta Nielsen: The Talking Muse、The Talking Muse。
It is a known fact that antiquarian bookseller and carefree, innovative personality, Frede Smith, was so attached to Asta Nielsen that he was the shoulder she cried on during the period of grief after her daughter, Jesta's suiside in 1964. Not many people have any idea of how deep their friendship was or how long they had been friends. Only now, several years after Frede Smith'...
故乡的晨曦 2024-06-19
Rarecinema. 4.5 这部电影展示了大量阿斯塔·尼尔森的电影片段。在1910年至1932年期间,她总共录制了74部电影。她还委托弗雷德·史密斯保管了大量私人物品,以及大量来自德国和丹麦的私人录像。