电影集合为您提供Det sociala arvet,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Det Sociala arvet (Generation to Generation), directed by Stefan Jarl, from 1993 is the last of three films (Dom kallar oss mods [They Call Us Misfits], Ett anständigt liv [A Decent Life]). The movie shows the conditions for junkies in Stockholm and tries to figure out how the social legacy has been transferred to their children from previous films. Are these children with thei...
LoudCrazyHeart 2022-07-27
紅蓮の業火 2021-05-19
艷*霓鳴驛 2020-11-08
The-Mods-trilogy 终结篇,一代又一代的病痛相续,色彩温暖但虚浮;Stefan Jarl 擅长的介入、撕扯、冒犯时效性地留在了过去。