Trini is the most famous flamingo dancer in the world and she has an envious life. Everyone loves her dancing, but when a seemingly innocuous domestic accident takes her husband's life, a deep depression falls over Trini forcing her to quit the stage. Damien's behaviour, her 8-year-old son, becomes uncontrollably forcing Trini to call upon doctor after doctor to provide relief....
Mr. Lei 2021-05-05
【ITFS 2021】西班牙魔幻黏土动画,***形象特别像萝西·德·帕尔马,最后一舞定胜负的创意蛮有趣。PS.本片是限制级动画,除了令人不适的绿色呕吐物和长鼻*,还有**血腥场面
左 2015-07-03