《白外套》又名The White Suit。
Lazar Ristovski是前南著名男演员,主演过《铁托与我》《地下》等片。这是他首次个人编导的作品,风格与《地下》相近,改编自他自己写的小说。 "All that was shown in this film really happened" - says Lazar Ristovski - "but I wanted to raise the film a foot above the ground and charge it with a taste of surreal and poetic. Why? Because the audience today is much to burdened by the reality of life (especially in Yugoslavia) and it needs an embeli...
杰诺拉泽 2013-11-25
我懂100中说爱你 的语言 节奏 表演 调度 音乐
杜夫特 2022-11-26