William Holden plays a drifter who comes to a small town and discovers a cabin in the forest where five kids: January, February, March, April, and May are living without parents. Their parents died a whole ago, and they want to keep that a secret from the townspeople, especially the young school teacher (Coleen Gray) because they don't want to end up in a children's home and th...
DuoDuo🐿️ 2021-01-12
前1/3还好,后半部越来越胡扯,就当看童话故事吧。制片是不是认为WH特有阿姨缘?《亚利桑那》和大自己18岁的Jean Arthur结婚,日落大道和大19岁的斯旺森纠缠,这里更是被**级的**撩。。。。。
Jasey Rae 2020-05-27
霍尔登电影里是真唱吗?听着不怎么像 开头还抹了blackface😐
megaclubdiolis 2021-10-30
2.5 Blackface起开...Holden对嘴唱歌实在是太滑稽了。当成童话看还蛮可爱的,Holden温暖的笑容很适合这个角色。
FrankBeedle 2021-05-06
笑死,我可以!霍尔登黑历史惹,那两年拍了好几部adventure/western 类型的B级片