The story takes place in San Antonio de Areco, in the Argentine pampas. Fabio Cáceres remembers his childhood as an orphan and his youth working in the fields, alongside his godfather, Don Segundo Sombra, a lonely gaucho whom he admires and from whom he will learn to be a gaucho, following him in all his adventures. Don Segundo will be Fabio's role model
第23届戛纳电影节:主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名)。
L'llariit 2022-03-23
因原著的分量看下来有些失望,戛纳成行要感谢几年前拿到诺贝尔文学奖的一位危地马拉小说家,作者的侄子和孙子两位非职业演员,西部片和coming-of-age drama类型似像不像,**礼是变得sedentary(联想同期Aché印第安人之遭遇怎样都不会觉得有多去暴力化与去殖民化),但从今日来看电影主题和叙事手法反而都不过时,近些年我只想到Gauchito Gil这一部heritage film