Though only the second half survives, here's a synopsis of what's left: Stan is a Robin Hood-type character in a medieval walled town. He's chased by an army of knights, but both he and his pursuers ride music-hall half-horse costumes in lieu of real steads. He proceeds to fight, Fairbanks-like, dozens of swordsmen at once, and defeats his rival one-on-one, leaving him to marry...
qw0aszx 2020-10-11
好多gag笑死了 很有后来巨*剧团段子的感觉
Lycidas 2020-10-11
“Laurel or Hardy” music by Neil Brand 竟然是个非常monty python感的时空错乱荒诞设定,Laurel的喜剧天赋展露无遗。结局太可爱辣!他的作品(尤其是还未和Hardy搭档时的作品)相比其他slapsticks更高级精细,gag都很轻盈巧妙。(映后掉了牙的David Robinson出现好感人TAT
秦诺诺 2022-02-09