《归去来兮》又名Le Retour de L'Etranger。
People will talk.., 3 January 2004 Author: dbdumonteil ****://***.imdb****/title/tt0024620/ A nice little comedy which stood the **** of time quite well.Hopkins is the prodigal daughter who got divorced from her husband and comes back to the place where she belongs.There she will meet an educated farmer (Tone)with whom she falls in love ;but alas ,he's married with one child.In...
Lycidas 2020-02-18
Tone(超帅!)和Hopkins之间的chemistry极其出色,不可能的爱情即使看开也总是免不了心碎。Barrymore演老头好用力好烦啊。Vidor是那一代美国导演中少见用电影传达对乡村和土地(宗教式)感情的导演,真正的voice of America了。