Julie Cavendish comes from a family of ***** Broadway actors. Her mother Fanny staunchly continues acting. Her boisterous brother Tony is fleeing a breach of promise suit in Hollywood. Her daughter Gwen must decide between going on stage, or settling down in a conventional marriage. Julie is just thinking that it would be nice to retire and get married, when who should turn up ...
\t^h/ 2011-03-29
poorly shot,镜头毫无美感可言。虽然说是八卦Barrymore家族的,实际上主要在讲Ethel,附带**了下John(结果姐弟两人对这剧态度截然相反,Ethel差点要上法庭,John则很喜欢= =)。March的表演很抢戏,难道说所有的出色戏剧演员都适合这种larger
黑眉下的绿眼睛 2012-08-28
看起来象是直接纪录的舞台剧。这也是一个红舞鞋的故事,戏*一旦穿上想脱下来就很难了。演员非常出色,除了Fredric March,女主演Ina Claire也相当厉害。
黑特-007 2019-06-24
巽凌 2017-05-26
Cast:(Stage & Screen)Ina Claire;默女Mary Brian厌恶综合征
未沙丈雅 2023-11-09
Every time Fredric March comes on, he raises the scene to another level. Fredric in the bath, Fredric in mama's arms, Fredric in glasses, Fredric in the doorman look...alright, I admit I'm addicted to Fredric March.
刘阿猫 2022-01-03
FM11/其实讲大女主一个人的故事,M只是挂了男主名给女主配戏,酒店门童和女士睡衣造型太可爱。Ina Claire演的好做作。
WillGoWild 2022-01-02
麦田上的燕子 2019-04-01
马老师……真有活力 行云流水地脱衣*笑死我了