《奇迹之蓬》又名Tent of Miracles。
阿马多的名作。 This Brazilian satire is by one of the founders of the Cinema Novo filmmaking movement, Nelson Pereira dos Santos. The film chronicles the chaos that results when a prominent American Nobel Prize winner arrives in Bahía, with nothing but praise on his lips for a long-forgotten local writer-scientist named Pedro Archanjo. When the ***** finally discover who Archanjo was ...
看不见的城市 2014-12-06
遠濤 2023-10-22
(无字幕。这电影版是Gilberto Gil配乐,80年代电视剧集是Caetano Veloso配乐。)
L'llariit 2021-09-09
起初有点担心剩下100分钟会变为种族混合和融合的理论大谈,导演所呈现的热带色彩相较jorge amado原著必定有差,庆祝pedro arcanjo百年诞辰“仪式感”侧重在于怎样在没有embrafilme资金支持情况下(墙上张贴的pornochanchada海报,糟糕品味)制作一部**电影,捕风捉影的媒体行业,乌烟瘴气的学术界,东北部以mulatta投**客所好的性产业,似乎一切仍然是远非陌生,参照系的建立比不了lilian m,互文性也一直在损失