《陷阱》又名The Trap、凡卡。
Ottaal (The Trap) is an adaptation of one of Anton Chekhov's timeless works, Vanka. A story of the 18th century, but one that has travelled the time and ***** to be retold in the present day at a small village in the South of India. Kuttappayi, a young boy, is miserable and desperate as he starts writing a letter to his grandfather from a place, dim and dark. Kuttappayi's recol...
本片在1958年**影片《巧设陷阱》(Maigret tend un piège)的基础上,保留作案动机,对办案过程略作改动。总督察Maigret由罗温.艾金森主演,是他不多的憨豆以外的银幕形象。
朧 2017-01-19