Detective Roland Hassel's father figure and mentor, Yngve Ruda, is brutally murdered in the middle of the street. Devastated, Hassel decides to undertake his own covert investigation to find Ruda's killer and avenge him with the support of 'Triton', a special task force consisting of Hassel's most devoted co-workers. But Hassel's obsession with the case affects his family as we...
L'llariit 2018-04-14
*繁给予连接斯特哥尔摩繁华市中心以及相对冷清落寞的市郊的高架桥以特写,表明此**型犯罪剧主角形象Hassel与众不同的来历背景(Street Cop)以及冷血残暴的*供手段,中段一度**色彩浓重,塑造的两对生母养父角色颇耐人寻味,一步步接近真凶时父母权威形象也在崩塌,结尾很黑色甚至太飞无感减分..