**** African Australia women, all former refugees and victims of sexual abuse and violence, take on the risky and difficult challenge of creating and performing their stories in a professional theatre production. This documentary charts their journeys over five years, from tentative and painful beginnings through to the eventual triumph of their theatre show in sold-out seasons...
第41届蒙特利尔世界电影节:国际影评人协会奖 处女作竞赛单元(提名)。
瓜尔佳Siran 2019-06-09
看到2015年3月在伦敦的巡演,忽然明白原来我曾和这些女性在同一个时间和空间有过交集,世界就是如此连通... 愿女孩们在成长时能够找到自我、发出强音。期待展映!