Louis Aubinar (Bob Hoskins), a humble, middle-aged photographer, specializes in religious pictures and works for Norbert, a prestigious religious articles curator, who is launching among others, a series of pictures of the Saints. His last venture was St. Francis, where Louis had to fight to get the actor and live animals to do their jobs well. Now Norbert decides to discard th...
大朵奇葩花۶ 2013-04-28
人生哪里不都是这么狗血么。不断遇见错过遇见错过,对的相信错的相信,永远无法解释的误会,善意的谎言,爱的人走近又离开,**** **** **** happens.好在还有幽默,黑色也好白色也好,C'est la vie. ||BGM大赞。<3
Hombre_Lobo 2014-12-13