《在内之内》又名Within Within。
身為香港人意味著什麼?「生命裡充滿了無從選擇的事情,例如人沒法 挑選他們的父母。你必須在未懂得瞭解他們之前學會去愛他們。」四分 鐘的影片,身處跨文化社會的年輕導演,以詩化與非寫實手法,追尋身 份根源與自我認同。 “There are many things we cannot choose in life, no one can choose their parents. You have to learn to love them before even knowing them." Spoken words, hand drawn images and live footage collide beautifully, conjuring poetic moments that are fresh and original. Issues lik...
第36届香港国际电影节:国际短片竞赛 火鸟大奖(提名)。