What is the price of peace? Krieg is the story of Arnold Stein, who, looking to find personal peace, withdraws to an isolated mountain cabin. This peace is breached when a stranger starts terrorizing him, and draws him into a nerve-recking conflict. In flash-backs we learn about Chris, Arnold’s son, who, against his parents’ wishes, decided to enlist in the army and to voluntee...
胤祥 2017-09-08
#Venice2017# 地平线。制作工艺非常精良,两条时间线做得也很棒,表演也可圈可点。可惜跟[狐步舞]撞题材,一比可就差远了;主要是对反战主题的思考和表达都太规矩,不够新颖。
安德烈 2019-02-24