Bambi was born Jean-Pierre Pruvot in a tiny Algerian village in 1935. Even as a child, she refused to meet the expectations of her extended family, choosing instead to find a way to become the woman she always knew herself to be. A Cabaret Carrousel de Paris performance in Algiers in the 1950s proved to be all the encouragement she needed to emigrate to the French capital, assu...
陈凭轩 2014-05-11
模糊 2013-10-12
我觉得整个片子最大的亮点是Bambi谈到她与一个**在一起的感受。其实这是**性别二元化开始崩坏的一个标志。Heterosexual Matrix锁死,只有自己的亲身感受才能让她知道!