1954, the Malabar Coast. British and Anglo-Indian identities blur when an English-woman with a neglectful husband births a sickly baby. Cotton Mary, a hospital aide and moralizing Anglophile who claims her father was a British officer, takes over the infant's care and, without a word to the mother, takes the baby daily to her sister to nurse. Mary moves into the English househo...
超超 2009-08-14
一个在印度殖民地生活的英国家庭中发生的故事,一个印英妇女cotton mary被聘为保姆照看新出生的婴儿,她自以为自己有英国血统,要比当地人高贵,这种想法使她的心理发生了扭曲,最终发疯!
Certified Copy 2020-06-12
Mary口口声声****** ******的,外加她沙哑又扁平的声线和车轮般的大眼,我真的以为是魔戒里的Gollum在这儿干哈呢。