Triple murders are rare enough in Sweden that they qualify as headline-grabbing national news for prolonged periods of time. This movie is based on the story behind one such incident, which took place in 1988. A girl and a boy from Finland have traveled to Denmark, where they support themselves by various mildly nefarious means, generally small burglaries. The boy is captured f...
第42届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 金熊奖(提名)。
第42届柏林国际电影节:银熊奖 最佳导演。
字母君 2020-07-06
咖布藤 2020-01-07
迷茫无序 特洛尔不愧摄影出身 镜头自由生动 像一双眼睛 //80+瑞典电影 第一次看到瑞典大肉丸
伊万的成年 2023-08-22