《这些地区的法律》又名Shilton Ha Chok、The Law in These Parts。
Can justice truly be served in the occupied territories given the current ****** of law administered by Israel for Palestinians?
第28届圣丹斯电影节:评审团大奖 世界电影单元纪录片。
赵先生 2013-06-18
Intriguing documentary exposing the schizophrenic attempt of the democratic Israeli state to impose some elements of a "rule of law" onto the occupied Palestine, using a law which are neither written nor rectified by the very people it governs.
AstRa 2017-01-31
bugz 2017-08-27
导演有太强的导演感觉了... 让纪录片变得缺乏说*力了。 以色列在占领区,设立军事法庭,变相的利用法律,去支持以军和犹太定居者的**行为,限制/**巴勒斯坦人民的反抗。以色列政府真是**立牌坊的意思了。 导演的揭露,也是有必要的。 4星鼓励
Ambrosio 2018-08-25
slide 2021-08-29