In a small fishing village in Brazil, Clarice experiences her entire life, beginning at birth, in the ***** of a day. The villagers remain oblivious to Clarice’s unique situation, living life just like us, one day at a time. In an attempt to understand her reality, Clarice tries to change her destiny as well as the destiny of those around her in this haunting and thought-provok...
黄小邪 2011-10-10
*****电影节看**导演Eduardo Nunes**作《西南》(Sudoeste),非常令人惊艳。黑白摄影、声音设计、气氛营造、时空探索令影片有“大师相”(当然有时有点用力过猛),看到《蜂巢幽灵》和塔可夫斯基的影子。16毫米拍摄,冲印成35毫米,颗粒感成为诗意一部分。寻找资金十年。导演到场,人很谦虚.
HurryShit 2012-05-08