Shadows of Liberty looks at the ***** crisis in the United States and the relationship between the press, government, and the incredible political and economic power of corporations. The film uncovers stories of journalists, blocked from pursuing news because of its impact on business and people censored for speaking out against abuses of corporate and government power. As UL h...
YOU 2013-10-17
陈卡洛 2017-02-01
Idea that the 4th estate must be free from the control of the first 3 to function
怀良辰以 2022-06-11
退野 2017-01-01
世界都一样,liberty是不存在,是government控制press好,还是被oligarchy of finance capital控制好?
七年 2014-02-19
The world is not for idealists, but you gotta love those who persevere.
Kkkkiki. 2022-01-01
Amour 2014-10-08
有字幕就好了 拍摄花了很多心思 但很多**都还想再知道多一点呀