Where in the world is Kellyane Conway哈哈哈有毒吧。The boy is mine前奏响起来我就233。The House里Kyle和Beck撕*这段真的笑死,let me introduce you——drama!
bayer04 2017-05-09
这期评价好高啊……但感觉没有那么laugh out loud的好笑,但是段子都是新的,写得也很用心,而且主持人小哥会作会演。
双层芝士 2017-05-07
完全出乎意料的好!好几个 sketch 都让人怀疑是不是编剧叶子飞大了之后写出来的!Auto Shop 的 Drag Race 今晚最佳(虽然 Bobby 还未正式离开但已经开始怀念他了....
🍄 2022-07-18
小尼适合被捏来揉去 i couldnt speak up ** mind like i used to anymore, sometimes can be immediately denounced as a hater for simply bringing up the topic at all. i just need you guys being by ** side, constantly, non stop, ive no purpose in life without you ppl doing your thing. and i was experiencing something real watching babylon yesterday, SCREENROOM.
叉叉 2017-05-09
大白臉WC15 2017-05-20
chris的梗是这来的?star trek里那个是亚裔?
RIC 2017-05-12
Evelyn桃桃 2018-06-02
Where in the world is Kellyane Conway哈哈哈有毒吧。The boy is mine前奏响起来我就233。The House里Kyle和Beck撕*这段真的笑死,let me introduce you——drama!
bayer04 2017-05-09
这期评价好高啊……但感觉没有那么laugh out loud的好笑,但是段子都是新的,写得也很用心,而且主持人小哥会作会演。
双层芝士 2017-05-07
完全出乎意料的好!好几个 sketch 都让人怀疑是不是编剧叶子飞大了之后写出来的!Auto Shop 的 Drag Race 今晚最佳(虽然 Bobby 还未正式离开但已经开始怀念他了....
🍄 2022-07-18
小尼适合被捏来揉去 i couldnt speak up ** mind like i used to anymore, sometimes can be immediately denounced as a hater for simply bringing up the topic at all. i just need you guys being by ** side, constantly, non stop, ive no purpose in life without you ppl doing your thing. and i was experiencing something real watching babylon yesterday, SCREENROOM.
RealityBites 2017-05-14
Grizz 2017-05-24
RuPaul's Drag Race很好笑!
妮可***得慢 2017-05-09
So Chris Pine is cute and funny AND can sing and dance. We get it.