The father of a Finnish family visiting the crumbling Berlin Wall rescues a cute puppy, Stormheart, and takes him back to Finland as a pet for his daughters. No one in the family knows anything about the dog, not even its breed. Little by little, the mystery of Stormheart unravels, and the dog´s new owners learn **** about him. They find out that Stormheart´s parents had served...
鲜生 2013-06-12
蘇小北 2011-09-01
兒童加動物題材卻內蘊歷史反思,這是歐洲電影優於好萊塢**商業製作的地方,通過一隻來自于東德的所謂“Stalin's Dog”反思人類的戰爭記憶,具有一定的泛人道主義的人文關懷和歷史反思。動物的殘忍來自本能的生理需求,帶有相應的限度;而人類的殘忍卻是無底的黑洞,目的也是複雜的,指向權力的核心。