This season is good. I like Susan and I'm glad to hear that she eventually got Lord Sugan's investment even she didn't win. She's brave, confident and determined, and she also has ***** commercial instincts. I genuinely wish her business will be successful. I believe she will.
桃童 2014-04-12
桃酱酱酱酱 2014-12-04
该系列第一次改成投资商业计划的模式,挺好。候选人中我一直看好Susan,既有经验又有创业精神;可惜最终结果与我想的不一致。其实让我挺费解的,比起***这种需要大量精力去manage的人,Susan各方面靠谱得多,只需要修订商业模式。后来google了她的近况,发现Lord Sugar事后还是投资了她的生意,赞。
坚持猪 2018-09-17
This season is good. I like Susan and I'm glad to hear that she eventually got Lord Sugan's investment even she didn't win. She's brave, confident and determined, and she also has ***** commercial instincts. I genuinely wish her business will be successful. I believe she will.