《解密轰炸鲁尔水坝》又名Dam Busters Declassified。
617 Squadron - "The Dambusters" flew their Lancaster Bombers on the raids on the Ruhr dams from RAF Scampton near Lincoln. The revolutionary bouncing bombs destroyed two of the three dams. A new documentary, presented by the actor, pilot and aviation enthusiast Martin Shaw reveals the new information including the technical details of the bomb, which were classified until recen...
#瞬间收藏家# 2015-12-09
电影和历史的对照,按照当年航线的两次飞行,亲历者采访,包括RAF飞行员和鲁尔区**群众。结尾纪念不列颠空战70周年飞行**,MS大爷在兰开斯特上激动得声音都不对了——不愧是喷火制造厂旁边长大的TUT #DambustersDeclassified#
sarah🇺🇦 2014-09-02
Albert Ball是好多人的偶像啊。Guy Gibson看上去不像24歲,像快30或30出頭。因為會導致嚴重平民傷亡,the Geneva Conventions規定不能炸dams了,從1977年起。最後真的飛了一架Lancaster(Battle of Britain Memorial Flight,全世界只剩2架會飛,另一架在加拿大),amazing!
你的于勒叔叔 2018-08-02