《羽翼》又名The Wings。
Based on Herman Bang's novel Mikael, Vingarne is a silent melodrama about an artist's love for his newfound male model. Radically, the film opens with director Stiller and his cinematographer coming across a sensual staue of Icarus in the gardens in Stockholm. Then the movie proper begins, with artist Claude Zoret struck by love at first sight for the young Mikael in a woodland...
Johnny Macca 2023-07-16
本片在酷儿影史上意义珍贵,比与众不同还要早三年(当然也比后者含蓄得多)。"That's ** Icarus, there in true life..." 当镜头切到年轻美丽的Mikael、雕塑家颤抖着指向他苦苦寻觅的伊卡洛斯时,我怎能不为之深深动容呢?此外,元电影元素和戏中戏的结构是蛮有趣的尝试,可惜开头结尾胶片均遗失。两个故事的呼应也引人遐想——导演斯蒂勒的Mikael究竟是Lars Hanson还是Nils Asther呢?我认为是后者。
Muyan 2017-06-27
Suède / 1916 / 50 min / DCP / INT.FR. Nouvelle restauration 2K du Svenska Filminstitutet.Accompagnement musical par Thomas Lavoine