Located just 800 miles from the North Pole on the island of Spitsbergen, the Soviet-era ghosttown of Pyramiden is one of the northernmost permanent settlements in the world. The site was first developed as a mining village in 1936, after the Soviets acquired the rights to mine the local coalfields. Although Pyramiden was abandoned in 1998, it remains remarkably well preserved d...
醒来的风车 2018-06-02
寂漠之境,也不妨碍他心生内曜。不过在历史中寻*藉,是否更适合老年。不愿做彼得堡五百万之一。Как мне дороги.
巨牛侠 2017-02-26
鸡塔 2017-12-30
此地适合本人无疑了,听着最后的Подмосковные Вечера就好像可以读懂男主的生活,眼眶不觉有点湿润。
一只零食工 2019-07-01
国家地理拍的皮拉米登冷寂孤独,画质一流 感谢柚子木字幕组
三杯酽 2020-10-15