This is the first television showing of the film which was made by the winner of last year's Iris Prize, the prestigious *** and lesbian film festival held in Cardiff each autumn. Based on Etgar Keret's short story, Your Man, Little Man is a psychological thriller about one's inner demons. Elliot (Daniel Boys) is confronted with his inability to form a long lasting relationship...
Kid-King 2021-12-20
6/8 ∈ Boys On Film 11 We Are Animals|更像一个精神偏执狂的故事
草 2012-03-31
完全 2020-01-27
6, 没太看懂所以去补了原著短文,短片改了性向,只保留了creepy的情节。 短文更像是讲了一个精神**的故事。 短片则失去了原味,失败的改编。
大洋洲 2020-06-03
原来是这个《Little Man》啊,看得人云里雾里。手撕**狂,还是同性需要反侦查能力?