It's summertime in Athens and Nikos, a 30-year-old broke musician, is taking care of a luxurious villa in the suburbs that belongs to a friend of his. Between poolside cocktails and fooling around with the dog that he is meant to take care of, Nikos has a plan. Still unable to get over his recent break-up with Sofia, he figures this is a unique opportunity to get some much-need...
L'llariit 2023-04-09
中断一下再看效果更好,如果提到mumblecore,那应当还有同为新世纪初北美萌发的mexican minimalist cinema的渊源,不止满足于做减法,继发是咄咄*人的姿态,观众和Greek weird wave也同交互于一段自虐且互虐的伴侣式关系中(科学/艺术的结合,明示)
Gore赞 2020-10-06
蜻蜓队长 2016-12-31
头一回第一个评价的!看完就知道什么叫相爱相杀 什么叫 i love you but i hate you