历史**系列 It is one of the most important works ever written. For some billion people worldwide, it is the holy scripture, the word of god and his prophet. For others, it is a historical artifact that has left an indelible imprint on the world. It is the Koran. SECRETS OF THE KORAN probes the heart of the work that many outside ***** find impenetrable and mysterious. Examine the h...
复印 2019-05-04
科普得不错。ilm,”知识“,经中词*仅次于”神“;*****,穆圣提出有大小之分,十字军东征的故事与小*****思想的萌芽;fundamentalism,原教旨主义,18世纪的萌芽,20世纪的爆发——**记者Seyyid Qutb遭遇颇惨。我很早就听说,如何阐释**,如何理解信仰,是自个儿的事,而灌输、*出来的就不是信仰了。另外,要想更理解这些历史、人心、思想的发展,需要更详细的体验与研究,就不多说了。