Sara is going to visit her high school friend Emily. As she travels there she recalls her last experience with her teenage crush, Emily. It was as a senior in high school that Sara had written a letter confessing her romantic love for her. It was then that Emily read the love letter out loud to her other friends while they all laugh about it. When Sara reaches her destination s...
Nee 2017-06-07
A deeply touching story of first love told in 7 minutes. With such a vulnerable subject matter I thought the film touched and executed the story lightly without ****** it a melodrama. The score was amazing and the images were haunting and captivating.
Conie 2012-01-15
與象徵過去的人見面,便能解開心結,其實是個迷思。 不錯的短片,簡潔,只八分鐘,情感交代得很細緻。