《命定时刻》又名我的决战时刻、My Zero Hour。
Russia 1943, the German army is still deep in Russian territrory. The former Berliner worker Kurt Hartung, now a private in the wehrmacht (German army) , just survived a Russian dive bomber attack. despite is comanding officer's order, to disarm a dud. As it turned out, almost a ******* mission. Shortly after this incident he is out on a scouting mission, behind enemy lines, wh...
二战电影馆 2020-05-12
第二次世界大战期间,白俄罗斯东部阵线,库尔特·哈同下士,曾经是一个普通的柏林工人。在敌后一次执行侦察任务,被捕关押在俄罗斯。在关押期间他了解到关于**因何侵略**。 他开始厌恶战争,他决定帮助苏军尽快结束战争,加入了抗击“德国”的行列,与苏军的特别行动小组一起,去执行一项艰巨的任务,穿越前线抓获一名德**官…